
Introduction of ASEAN

 Do you know ASEAN?ASEAN has omitted the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a regional cooperation association in the economy, the society, the politics, the security, and culture of ten nations in Southeast Asia.Headquarters is the whereabouts to Jakarta in Indonesia.Population within the area is over 600 million people, and there is than European Union which holds a population of about 500 million.GDP of the sum total of the member nation in 2010 is 1,800 billion dollars (about 145 trillion yen), and is about 30% of scale of GDP of Japan.
 Southeast Asia Union established in 1961 is past, and three nations, Thailand, the Philippines, and the Malaya federation (present Malaysia), were formed.Moreover, it is supposed that it also became the comprehensive union concept (Maphilindo concept) by Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia a form expansively canceled by establishment of EAN used as the foundation of ASEAN establishment.ASEAN was founded in August, 1967 in the form which cancels ASA expansively in Bangkok in Thailand.The original member was five nations, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia, and was a country which all takes the position of an anticommunist principle.Establishment declaration of the foreign minister cooperation of each country calls it the Association of Southeast Asian Nations establishment declaration, Bangkok Declaration, etc.
 The new Member States for a long time did not appear Brunei Since its inception in five countries in 1967, not long after the independence from Britain in 1984 before joining. Anticommunist Cold War is associated, in the Philippines and Thailand which made the deployment of troops to South Vietnam to assist the United States in the Vietnam War as a member state of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is a military alliance anticommunist. Then, when you achieve rapid economic growth in Singapore and Thailand since the 1980s, in the economic field, such as the importance of integrated regional development went gradually increases.
 Country is a member or sequential 4 in the north of the region in the late 1990s, the system has been completed in 10 countries throughout today. That in 1995, Vietnam has welcomed one-party rule by the Communist Party of Vietnam in particular is followed, became an iconic event indicating that the ASEAN has been altered to the communities of Southeast Asia from anticommunist political alliance. On the other hand, to dispel the past as well as Vietnam, at the time of the inauguration of ASEAN will fight the war in Vietnam and other countries SEATO and America as North Vietnam, was in conflict violently with Thailand and other countries, such as civil war in Cambodia even then, the stability of system and the transformation of foreign policy ASEAN member states were required to complete mosquitoes. In addition, Cambodia is a member country of the last ones were delayed accession from the circumstances domestic affairs, initially we had planned to join together with Myanmar and Laos. Now that the accession of Laos and Cambodia successive influence of Vietnam is strong, even stronger role as a body responsible for regional integration in Southeast Asia beyond the ideological conflict.

2 件のコメント:

  1. There are several Association of nations in the world.Why did you chose ASEAN?

    It is written a lot of information. So, I think pasting figure or picture is more good.

    1. thank you!
      I chose ASEAN because it is association of Asia.
