
ASEAN and Japan

I am going to write about the relationship between Japan and ASEAN this week.
Japan maintains a close relationship with ASEAN since the foundation of ASEAN,
Japan and ASEAN leaders have been carried out, the foreign minister level meeting frequently since the 1970s.When the Prime Minister Tanaka visited Southeast Asia in 1974, protests from local residents to repel the economic advancement of Japan has occurred, the relationship between the two regions were changed also generally thereafter. Southeast Asia is an important supply center of materials such as natural rubber of Malaysia ,Oil of Indonesia for Japan, and more such as Thailand and Malaysia became a powerful country which obtain the labor quality in low-wage when the Japanese manufacturing industry is to expand overseas. In addition, Southeast Asia is a place few can demonstrate its uniqueness for Japanese diplomacy which has been very subordinate to the United States, such as the Fukuda Doctrine have been announced in 1978. Also for the ASEAN, Japan advance the pursuit in economic profit without asking for hegemony in the region is favorable, the relationship between the two has deepened further.
Between Japan and ASEAN countries signed the "Agreement Establishing the ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism", in 1981, the ASEAN-Japan Centre has been established. This is what was targeted in an increase in investment and tourists from Japan to ASEAN countries and the promotion of trade. Besides, various fund such as ASEAN Cultural Foundation, Japan· ASEAN Comprehensive Foundation, Japan· ASEAN Foundation academic exchange exists. From 2010 test "ASEAN" as to deepen their understanding of the ASEAN countries in Japan will begin, with the sponsorship, such as the ASEAN-Japan Centre, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia by the Secretariat, which is provided in-house recruitment tests on the three country has been done.
From 1997 will be held on the ASEAN +3 gather leaders in three countries of Japan, China, Korea, as a larger version of Summit ASEAN, it has become a significant presence on play and develop long-term stability of East Asia.
2003 was the ASEAN-Japan Exchange Year. Events held to commemorate the Year of Exchange and business which introduction of culture and human interaction issuance of commemorative stamps, were conducted in Japan and the ASEAN countries. In addition, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement · ASEAN Japan is signed in 2008, it became a step to expand to the entire ASEAN a free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan-Singapore Economic Partnership Agreement for a New Age Partnership came into effect in 2002. However, the entire ASEAN and Japan's FTA negotiations are not yet concluded, was that the (English) (ACFTA) is preceded by a free trade agreement between China-ASEAN was established in 2010. This has also stalled the establishment of East Asia that Japan EPA initiative. The Abe second Cabinet, which was established on 28 December 2012, focused on increasing its presence in the ASEAN economy and security. Within one month after taking office, his Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia visit, such as the visit of Myanmar Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, ministers have visited in sequence the major ASEAN countries. Prosperity through the network cooperation and economic realization of universal values ​​such as the domination of freedom, democracy, basic human rights, law, Japan after having communicated to the leaders a message that we will come together as equal partners of ASEAN , to January 18, 2013, in Indonesia visited, has announced the following five principles versus ASEAN diplomacy.

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