

I wrote about a man named Suharto, who founded the ASEAN this week.
Soeharto was born in Central Java Province of Indonesia of the colonial period, the rural outskirts of Yogyakarta. Soeharto has come to life as the president's and life as a soldier. I think I want to write in detail now.

In 1943, during the Japanese military, Soeharto is adopted Local defense Volunteers (Peta)  organized by the military authorities. Promoted to platoon leader, Soeharto, to the Middle captain there as well, but also working in the training of Indonesian officers.

By Sukarno declared independence on August 17, 1945, two days after the surrender of Japan, Indonesia broke dated August 19 peta. In addition, the war of independence of Indonesia with the Netherlands aimed at the revival of colonial rule on behalf of the Japanese surrender will begin soon. During this period, the military of regular and non-regular to resist the Dutch had established a large number to participate in the regular army, which was organized in September 2005, Soeharto was elected captain large sub-bought experience of age peta. When Republican Army officially launched next October, was appointed to the big captain. Indonesia during the War of Independence, the Soeharto enhanced reputation as a field commander.

Active in the strategy to free West Irian repeatedly proven in the Army, Dutch rule had continued even after independence Indonesia, Soeharto was appointed commander of the Army Strategic Reserve and Army in 1963.

Indonesia was welcomed by Western countries as well that after becoming president, to transform foreign policy into line pro-American anti-Chinese Malaysian parents were allowed to return Indonesia to the United Nations. In addition, the creation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967, and to attract the secretariat in Jakarta, he has sought to strengthen relations with neighboring countries.

Since 1997, Indonesia occur currency crisis in Southeast Asia (Asian currency crisis), such as the influence of special loans and IMF devaluation of the rupiah currency significantly, we devastate the lives of residents in Indonesia as well.

Is rapidly growing dissatisfaction with the Soeharto regime that can not overcome the situation, now erupted in various parts of the potential complaints under long-term administration has been going on for about 30 years. Such complaints, went to the support of the Democratic Party and Reshape struggle led by President Sukarno's daughter Megawati before.
Despite the dissatisfaction of the people do, March 11, 1998, Soeharto has been seven presidential election, public discontent has reached the pinnacle fairly here. Anti-government demonstrations filled the streets of college students, involving also the general public, in the capital, Jakarta has become part of the mob. The demo spread to provincial cities, raising the voice of resignation request to the Soeharto government but also inside. In the form of bow to these pressures, May 21, declared the resignation of President Soeharto, Habibie gave the job to then-Vice President.

Lying in cerebral infarction since July 1999, will be repeatedly hospitalized and died at a hospital in Jakarta due to multiple organ failure. 86-year-old died.

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